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Friends On A Walk

Health benefits 

If you're finding it difficult to get in and out of your chair, rise and recline chairs could be the solution that you need. A rise and recline chair can help you stand up and sit down by providing a simple mechanism to raise and lower yourself with ease. The riser action brings you to a standing position with ease and takes the stress off of your joints. Also, when you come to sit down again it will lower you comfortably into a seated position. This can be a huge help if you are struggling with mobility issues or pain.

Swollen Ankles 

If you have poor circulation, excessive fluid accumulates in your legs causing swelling in the ankles. Your legs and ankles might look swollen, puffy, shiny or red. 


Oedema refers to swollen ankles, feet or legs and is caused by a build-up of fluids.


Rise and recline chairs can help swollen ankles by elevating your legs above heart level. This increases circulation and helps reduce leg and ankle swelling. Additionally, the chairs can also help improve range of motion and reduce stiffness.


Arthritis is a condition that causes pain and inflammation of your joints, with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis being the most common forms. Osteoarthritis occurs when the smooth cartilage lining in your joints begins to roughen, causing swelling, pain, immobility and bony spurs called osteophytes. Rheumatoid arthritis, on the other hand, is when the body's immune system attacks affected joints, leading to pain, swelling, morphing of the shapes of your joints and cartilage breakdown.


Rise and recline chairs can be helpful for people with arthritis as they work to relieve pressure on affected joints. The Unique High Leg Lift provides elevation and leg and knee support, helping to ease arthritic pain. In addition, the riser action reduces pressure on your joints as it lowers you into a seated position and helps you stand when you're ready to leave your seat. By adding heat and massage options, these chairs can help further ease the symptoms of arthritis.

Back pain

Back pain is a common problem that can be caused by a variety of factors, including a sprain or strain, a slipped disc, or sciatica. It can occur in different parts of the back, including the lower back, spine, hips, or neck, which makes it difficult to diagnose.


Riser recliner chairs can be helpful for people with back pain as they provide elevation and support for the neck, back, and lumbar region. The riser action of the chair means you don't have to strain your back when getting in and out of your seat, and the specially designed waterfall back provides support and comfort to help relieve pain.

Poor Circulation 

If you have poor circulation or Raynaud's, it's important to keep warm to alleviate symptoms such as pain, numbness, and difficulty moving. However, over time, these conditions can lead to capillary damage and swelling in the legs, ankles, and feet.

One way to potentially improve blood circulation is by using a rise and recline chair with a Unique High Leg Lift feature. This feature can elevate your legs up to six inches above hip level, reducing stress on the heart and helping pump blood more easily throughout the body. Additionally, adding heat or massage functions to the chair can stimulate blood circulation even further.


COPD, or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, refers to a group of lung conditions, such as chronic bronchitis and emphysema, that are often caused by smoking or prolonged exposure to harmful substances like fumes or dust. Symptoms of COPD may include wheezing, chest infections, increased breathlessness, and a productive cough with mucus.


For those with COPD, the condition can cause exhaustion and make daily activities like getting in and out of chairs challenging. A rise and recline chair can help conserve energy and prevent shortness of breath when transitioning between seated and standing positions.

Heart disease

Heart disease encompasses a number of conditions that affect the heart, including coronary artery disease, heart defects, heart valves, and rhythm problems. Cardiovascular disease, narrowed or blocked veins, angina, and strokes are also included under the umbrella of heart disease. Symptoms of heart disease can vary, but may include chest pain, shortness of breath, numbness, irregular heartbeat, dizziness, swelling, and fatigue


A rise and recline chair with a Unique High Leg Lift feature can potentially help improve circulation for those with heart disease. By elevating the legs up to six inches above hip level, the chair can take pressure off the heart and reduce swelling in the legs, ankles, and feet. This can also make it easier for the heart to pump blood throughout the body.

Hip Surgery 

Hip replacement is a common surgical procedure used to replace a damaged hip joint with an artificial one. This procedure is typically recommended to alleviate pain and improve mobility in individuals experiencing ongoing hip pain, often caused by conditions such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, hip fractures, septic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, or bone dysplasia.


If you're recovering from hip replacement surgery, a riser recliner chair can potentially aid in your healing process. By allowing the chair to gently lower you into a seated position and help you stand up, it can decrease the impact on your hip joints and reduce pain. Additionally, the Unique High Leg Lift feature can provide support and comfort to your hip joints during the recovery period, promoting healing and improving overall comfort.

Knee Surgery 

Knee replacement surgery is a common procedure used to replace a damaged knee joint with an artificial one. This surgery is typically recommended for individuals experiencing ongoing pain and reduced mobility due to conditions such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, haemophilia, gout, unusual bone growth, death of bones due to blood supply problems, knee injury, or knee deformity.


If you're recovering from knee replacement surgery, a riser recliner chair can potentially aid in your healing process. By supporting your knees and legs, the chair can help relieve joint pain and improve circulation, which can encourage healing. Additionally, the riser action allows you to get in and out of the chair without putting pressure on your recovering knee joint, making it a comfortable and convenient option for post-surgery recovery.

Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a condition that affects the spinal cord and brain, causing problems with vision, arm or leg movement, sensation loss, paralysis, muscle spasm, tremors, reduction in circulation and balance.


The specially designed contours of the chair will support you and help you relax. The additional add-on of a massage system can help with muscle spasms and tremors. The rise action will help you get in and out of your chair without putting unnecessary strain on your body.


Osteoporosis causes bones to weaken, making them more fragile and prone to fracture. It can develop unnoticed over years and is often only discovered after a fall or sudden impact results in a broken or fractured bone.


A rise and recline chair can be of great help in reducing stress on your joints and pressure points, thus preventing bone fractures. The ability to recline and elevate your legs helps alleviate pressure on your bones and joints. Additionally, the riser action facilitates getting in and out of the chair without putting undue pressure on your bones and joints.

Parkinson's disease

Parkinson's disease is a progressive condition that affects the brain and the central nervous system. It leads to symptoms like tremors, slow movement and stiff muscles, making it increasingly challenging to perform daily activities. The disease also impacts mental health and wellbeing.


Our rise and recline chairs are designed to provide maximum comfort and convenience to people with Parkinson's. The riser action feature helps you get in and out of the chair with ease. This means you can maintain your independence and have more control over your daily activities. Additionally, our chairs offer customizable positions that allow you to find the perfect angle for sitting or reclining, offering complete support to your body and reducing pressure on stiff muscles.


Stroke is a severe medical condition caused by the interruption of blood supply to a part of the brain, leading to an inability to move or feel on one side of the body, trouble understanding, trouble speaking, and/or loss of vision.


How can a rise and recline chair be helpful in stroke patients' recovery?

Our rise and recline chairs offer extra padding to maximize comfort and much-needed support after experiencing a stroke. The riser action feature allows ease of entry and exit from the chair, especially if mobility has been decreased. Additionally, our chairs can be customised to meet your specific requirements by installing the hand control on either side of the chair, making it easier for you to operate. This level of personalisation ensures that you can regain your independence and carry out your daily activities conveniently, leading to a more comfortable and faster recovery.


Sciatica is a condition that arises when the sciatic nerve, which runs from the hips down to the feet, gets irritated. Symptoms include pain, tingling, numbness or weakness in the buttocks, legs, feet and toes. This condition can be caused by spinal stenosis, spondylolisthesis, or prolapsed or slipped disc


A rise and recline chair can provide relief from sciatic pain by offering a comfortable and supportive backrest and leg lift that helps to alleviate the tension. The riser action feature of the chair can be particularly helpful in reducing the strain on your back when getting in and out of the chair. By providing customized support and comfort tailored to your needs, our chairs allow you to relax and recover comfortably, offering a more comfortable and faster recovery.

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 Alternatively, if you require more details or have any questions, please feel free to contact us at 01244 780030. We're always happy to help!

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